Books You Should Read Based on Your Favorite Infinity War Heroes

If you’re reading this, you probably watched Infinity War already. If you haven’t, you might be reading this because you’re interested in the MCU! Well, hopefully you are because I have compiled a list of books that’ll make you feel better after having seen the emotional trainwreck that was that movie as they have for me. I am still processing the happenings of the film, wishing they were just a dream, but alas, they weren’t.

Epic Reads posted a list of 57 books you should read based on movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I have collected 10 books that are definitely worth your time with an extra bonus: we have assigned every book on this list some of our favorite MCU heroes! Enjoy!

1.Iron Man


Katharine McGee’s novel takes you into a futuristic world where the main characters of the narrative all live in a building with a thousand floors (as the title suggests). A lot of drama goes down with the added bonus of advancements in technology and gadgetry. Let’s not forget how stylish the descriptions lead us to believe this version of New York and these people are! How can this not be suitable for Tony Stark?

2. Hulk

shatter me

Cursed with a murderous touch, Juliette must navigate this world, being seen as a monster by those around hereven her parents. She will fight those that resist her while she tries to discover herself and her true potential without being killed. A story worthy of the Hulk’s emotional journey.

3. Black Widow

the female

The female of the species is deadlier than the male. Alex Craft lives in a small town where her sister was raped and murdered. Now she has to live with the fact that she knows how to kill someone, but she doesn’t know how to be a normal teenage girl in high school. She tries to lay low, but she catches the attention of her school’s dreamboat who definitely wants to know more about the girl that hangs around in the shadows, trying to go unseen.

4. Captain America

wolf by wolf.jpg

This retelling of World War II envisions the world in an alternate universe where Germany and Japan won. Now they hold a deadly race to honor their ties where the winner will have a dance to attend the Victor’s Ball and meet with the esteemed Adolf Hitler. Yael enters the race, impersonating a previous contestant, in order to win and exact her revenge. Reminiscent of Captain America: The First Avenger, there is no doubt why we chose this novel for the wholesome Captain!

5. Thor

magnus chase

Rick Riordan, the mythological master, has done it again! This time with Norse mythology, which is why we have chosen Magnus Chase for Thor, our wonderful and hilarious avenger.

6. Bucky


August is very familiar if you enjoy the MCU. Agent Barnes is much like August, wishing they could be more than the monsters they were made to be. Both are kind and caring even though they hold incomparable power in their grasp.

7. The Guardians


Pretty self-explanatory. Ashley Poston has a badass group of misfits that work well together and inevitably will guard the galaxy from a handful of disaster! Star-Lord would be proud of these courageous and hilarious fighters.

8. Doctor Strange

a darker shade

Kell can travel through different worlds much like Doctor Strange can move through multiverses. However, while Doctor Strange hits a rocky start by being someone we don’t want to encourage, he wins our affection the same way Kell does from the start. Even though Kell’s need to know more about himself and the way he feels he doesn’t fit in causes him to create the demons and problems that will be his possible downfall across the series, he deeply cares about those around him like his step-brother and his (awesome) companion Lila Bard, among others.

9. Spider-Man


I’m being biased here considering Miles Morales is a Puerto Rican descendant, but it is a great comic! Apart from this, Homecoming does allude to Miles Morales and his possible future inclusion in the MCU.

10. Black Panther


Finally, for Black Panther, we have Furyborn that shows an interconnection of storylines the same way we see T’Challa’s story and Erik Killmonger’s beginnings towards his end. Furyborn promises to pack a punch for readers awaiting this novel much like Black Panther left a significant impression on admirers of the movie.


We hope these books help you get through that post-Infinity War depression. Happy reading!


Love, Josie


2 thoughts on “Books You Should Read Based on Your Favorite Infinity War Heroes

  1. This is such an great idea for a post! I actually haven’t seen Infinity War yet cause I’m just starting to get into the MCU, but I still added some books to my tbr 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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