Farewell, Throne of Glass

Six years, 7 books, 4 prequel novellas, and uncountable heartbreaks later, Sarah J. Maas’s famous Throne of Glass series is coming to an end. The last entry Kingdom of Ash will be released tomorrow and needless to say, this is a bittersweet moment for us.


You see, Throne of Glass was the series that brought us together. If it hadn’t been for those books, and Sarah’s A Court Of Thorns and Roses series, we never would have formed a bond and a strong friendship and this blog wouldn’t exist. It’s wild that what you’re reading right now exists because of a fantasy series about an assassin. So, yes, we have a deep appreciation for this series, and it will continue to be a big part of our lives forever.

In honor of the release of Kingdom Of Ash, we decided to dedicate this to the wild ride that has been this series, from the moment we found it and what it has inspired us to do.

I found this series right after Heir of Fire had been published, it was the winter of 2015, and I was in El Paso, Texas. I had never been to a Barnes and Noble before, and I was very excited to finally go to one. I found the paperback edition of Throne of Glass and didn’t hesitate to buy it since I had heard good things about it. One week later, I was back at Barnes and Noble to buy the sequel, Crown of Midnight. Needless to say, I was hooked in with this story and completely head over heels in love with Chaol Westfall.


The first three books are very dear to me because I read them all during the time that I was in Texas and when I went on my first cross-country road trip. When I look at those three books, fond memories come to mind. By the time I read Queen of Shadows, I was a high school senior, and it was during that moment that I realized that one day I wanted someone to be as impacted by my stories as much as this series had impacted me. I wanted to create a world of my own, and I’m so thankful I realized that when I did because if not I would have applied to college as a Biology major and probably would be in a completely different place in my life right now. I read Empire of Storms during my freshman year of college, where my life completely changed. I went through a lot that first year, and it was a struggle to get back to the place I had been before because I hadn’t found someone that understood what had happened to me. This was until I read Tower of Dawn.

Tower of Dawn, hands down, was my favorite out of all of the Throne of Glass books because it came to me in a moment of need. It’s about healing, about not letting an illness or any flaw define you, that you are stronger than your troubles. It taught me that I had to let go in honor to heal. I identified so much with that book, and it is the main reason why Chaol will always be one of my favorite characters from the series. It was just the book that I needed at that time, and I’m forever grateful for it.

I think that what I value the most out of this series is the friendship that I’ve gained because of it. Josie and Luna are two of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met and just thinking about how everything we’ve done together is because of picking up that book at that El Paso Barnes and Noble blows my mind. I recognize that this series has its problems, but then again nothing is perfect; my love for it will never seize to exist because out of everything that it has taught me and what I’ve gained because of it. So thank you, Sarah, for these books, and farewell Throne of Glass, it was a pleasure and a wild ride.

Image credits: 1, 2, 3


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