Happy Book Birthday to Kingdom of Ash!

Today’s the day!

After years of waiting, Sarah J. Maas has finally let the finale for the Throne of Glass series make its way into the world. With a heavy 992 pages, the book has been released two years after Empire of Storms‘s release.

Originally, the Kingdom of Ash book was supposed to be released a year later, but due to unexpected circumstances, the book was pushed back. In its place, Tower of Dawn was released in 2017 as the telling of Chaol’s side of the story during the action that took place in Empire of Storms. Some could argue that it was fan service for all those upset because of Chaol’s lack of involvement in the fifth installment of the series as well as his change in demeanor within the Queen of Shadows narration.

One thing is clear, however: Kingdom of Ash will be welcomed with open arms by the girls of Readers, Rambles & Reviews.

To celebrate, we will be telling you all of our favorites from the series!

Josie’s Favorites

Favorite book: Queen of Shadows

Favorite cover: Assassin’s Blade

Favorite moment: There’s one moment in Queen of Shadows that always stays with me which is when there’s a party at the palace, and there are dancers, and suddenly Aelin pops up out of nowhere with this killer plan nobody was expecting—I was dumbfounded—and then she confronts Valg Dorian out in the courtyard/gardens. That scene always stays with me. The imagery was perfect and the stakes were high.

Favorite female character: Manon. She was a love-to-hate character that turned into one I admired so much. It’s hard to pick a favorite female character because they’re so well done. They feel like real people.

Favorite love-to-hate character: Lorcan.

Favorite male character: Dorian—my baby!

Favorite quote: “I name you Elentiya.” She kissed the assassin’s brow. “I give you this name to use with honor, to use when other names grow too heavy. I name you Elentiya, ‘Spirit That Could Not Be Broken.” (My real favorite quote is: “You could rattle the stars,” she whispered. “You could do anything, if only you dared. And deep down, you know it, too. That’s what scares you most.” But, I wanted to be different!)

The first one seemed very fitting because the one thing I found by reading this series was an unbreakable strength I never knew I needed.


Gabriela’s Favorites

Favorite book: Tower of Dawn

Favorite cover: Queen of Shadows

Favorite moment: I think my favorite moment of the series happened in Heir of Fire (ironic I know) when it is revealed that Sorscha was the spy, and she and Dorian are dragged to the throne room where she is executed in front of Dorian. It is in this moment that Dorian reveals that he has magic, and Chaol runs to defend his best friend, but Dorian pushes him away and tells him to save himself; heartbroken, Chaol leaves but not before telling him that he loves him as the King puts the Valg collar on the prince. Chills every time.

Favorite female character: At first, I always thought my favorite female character was Lysandra due to the immense growth she’s experienced throughout the series. However, I think my favorite female character is Yrene Towers. I absolutely loved reading about her in The Assassin’s Blade and getting to see her again in Tower of Dawn. I loved how she’d grown and her big heart. How despite all of the hardships she’s gone through she’d fulfilled her dream of becoming a healer to help her people. She is one of the strongest characters from the series, and I loved how she stuck by her beliefs no matter what happened. She also holds a special place in my heart because she happens to have the same scar that I have, so that is also really special.

Favorite love-to-hate character: Arobynn Hamel, but actually I just really hate him with a passion. His character was absolutely fascinating, I loved reading about him, but he got my blood boiling many times. Especially after reading The Assassin’s Blade.

Favorite male character: Chaol Westfall. I know there’s always a lot of hate towards him, but I personally think Chaol had one of the best redemption arcs of the entire series, and I never stopped liking him even when I was mad at him.

Favorite quote: We do not look back, Chaol. It helps no one and nothing to look back. We can only go on.”
There she was, that queen looking out at him, a hint of the ruler she was becoming. And it knocked the breath out of him because it made him feel so strangely young—when she now seemed so old. “What if we go on,” he said, “only to more pain and despair? What if we go on, only to find a horrible end waiting for us?”
Aelin looked northward as if she could see all the way to Terrasen. “Then it is not the end.”

boy squad

Luna’s Favorites

Favorite book: Throne of Glass

Favorite cover: Crown of Midnight

Favorite moment: When Lysandra crushes the sea wyverns. She’s a bad bitch.

Favorite female character: Manon Blackbeak. Her character has so much depth, and Maas’s witch lore is so intricate that I fall in love with all the witchy characters, in general. Manon is complex. She is a strong female character who doesn’t’ let tradition stand in the way of what she thinks is the right thing to do. She is utterly fearless.

Favorite love-to-hate character: CHAOL. He is annoying, and he sucks. That’s enough said.

Favorite male character: Dorian, ice-ice baby

Favorite quote: “My name is Celaena Sardothien. But it makes no difference if my name’s Celaena or Lillian or Bitch because I’d still beat you, no matter what you call me.”

Happy reading!


Image credits: 2, 3, 4

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