Bite-Size Fun: Ant-Man & the Wasp Review

Review may contain potential spoilers near the end   After the events of Infinity War, Ant-Man and the Wasp is a convenient comedic relief. It is full of action-packed sequences that follow Scott and Hope throughout their efforts to rescue Janet Van Dyne. From beginning to end, the movie never failed to grasp your attention … Continue reading Bite-Size Fun: Ant-Man & the Wasp Review

Books You Should Read Based on Your Favorite Infinity War Heroes

If you’re reading this, you probably watched Infinity War already. If you haven’t, you might be reading this because you’re interested in the MCU! Well, hopefully you are because I have compiled a list of books that’ll make you feel better after having seen the emotional trainwreck that was that movie as they have for … Continue reading Books You Should Read Based on Your Favorite Infinity War Heroes